Shareware and Freeware

Shareware and Freeware Sites

What I use everyday (almost)!

Beyond Compare Keep directories up to date and synchronize my home and office machines. Scooter Software. Tim Thousand.
Curvefit Expert Fit curves to data. Great. I use it frequently. Daniel Hyams
EditPad John Goyvaerts
gnuplot The PDAS programs use gnuplot as default.
IrfanView A great image viewer.
Mozilla The home of Firefox and Thunderbird.
Opera An alternative browser
Tracer A utility that I use to digitize charts and figures from printed sources. Marcus Karolewski
TtM Converts TeX (or LaTeX) to MathML. Ian Hutchinson
Xenu How I check the validity of links on my web pages. Tilman Hausherr.

Also check my list of downloaded files.