!+ SUBROUTINE Atmosphere(alt, sigma, delta, theta) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! PURPOSE - Compute the properties of the 1976 standard atmosphere to 86 km. ! AUTHOR - Ralph Carmichael, Public Domain Aeronautical Software ! NOTE - If alt > 86, the values returned will not be correct, but they will ! not be too far removed from the correct values for density. ! The reference document does not use the terms pressure and temperature ! above 86 km. IMPLICIT NONE !============================================================================ ! A R G U M E N T S | !============================================================================ REAL,INTENT(IN):: alt ! geometric altitude, km. REAL,INTENT(OUT):: sigma ! density/sea-level standard density REAL,INTENT(OUT):: delta ! pressure/sea-level standard pressure REAL,INTENT(OUT):: theta ! temperature/sea-level standard temperature !============================================================================ ! L O C A L C O N S T A N T S | !============================================================================ REAL,PARAMETER:: REARTH = 6369.0 ! radius of the Earth (km) REAL,PARAMETER:: GMR = 34.163195 ! hydrostatic constant INTEGER,PARAMETER:: NTAB=8 ! number of entries in the defining tables !============================================================================ ! L O C A L V A R I A B L E S | !============================================================================ INTEGER:: i,j,k ! counters REAL:: h ! geopotential altitude (km) REAL:: tgrad, tbase ! temperature gradient and base temp of this layer REAL:: tlocal ! local temperature REAL:: deltah ! height above base of this layer !============================================================================ ! L O C A L A R R A Y S ( 1 9 7 6 S T D. A T M O S P H E R E ) | !============================================================================ REAL,DIMENSION(NTAB),PARAMETER:: htab= & (/0.0, 11.0, 20.0, 32.0, 47.0, 51.0, 71.0, 84.852/) REAL,DIMENSION(NTAB),PARAMETER:: ttab= & (/288.15, 216.65, 216.65, 228.65, 270.65, 270.65, 214.65, 186.946/) REAL,DIMENSION(NTAB),PARAMETER:: ptab= & (/1.0, 2.233611E-1, 5.403295E-2, 8.5666784E-3, 1.0945601E-3, & 6.6063531E-4, 3.9046834E-5, 3.68501E-6/) REAL,DIMENSION(NTAB),PARAMETER:: gtab= & (/-6.5, 0.0, 1.0, 2.8, 0.0, -2.8, -2.0, 0.0/) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- h=alt*REARTH/(alt+REARTH) ! convert geometric to geopotential altitude i=1 j=NTAB ! setting up for binary search DO k=(i+j)/2 ! integer division IF (h < htab(k)) THEN j=k ELSE i=k END IF IF (j <= i+1) EXIT END DO tgrad=gtab(i) ! i will be in 1...NTAB-1 tbase=ttab(i) deltah=h-htab(i) tlocal=tbase+tgrad*deltah theta=tlocal/ttab(1) ! temperature ratio IF (tgrad == 0.0) THEN ! pressure ratio delta=ptab(i)*EXP(-GMR*deltah/tbase) ELSE delta=ptab(i)*(tbase/tlocal)**(GMR/tgrad) END IF sigma=delta/theta ! density ratio RETURN END Subroutine Atmosphere ! -----------------------------------------------