Public Domain Aeronautical Software (PDAS)  

COREL and W12SC3 are two computer programs useful in the aerodynamic design and analysis of wings for supersonic maneuvering. Both programs use the Super Critical Conical Camber (SC3) concept, in which high supersonic lift coefficients are obtained by controlling cross flow development. COREL (Conical Relaxation) solves the nonlinear full potential equation for a spanwise section of a wing in the crossflow plane and corrects the result for any nonconical geometry. W12SC3 applies linear theory panel methods to compute solutions for a wing-body configuration. The programs are not restricted to supersonic maneuvering cases, but are useful for many design, analysis, and optimization applications.

COREL computes the mixed subsonic/supersonic crossflow that develops on supersonic wings with high lift coefficients at Mach numbers normal to shock waves of 1.3 or less. The bow and crossflow shocks are captured as part of the solution. The initial aerodynamic solution is produced on a crude grid and is then reiterated. A finer mesh is then mapped, keeping the bow shock within the boundary of the new computed crossflow. The input geometry can be specifically defined or calculated in COREL using Craidon bicubic spline patches.

W12SC3 combines source and vortex panel singularity distributions for calculating the linear theory estimate of the configuration aerodynamics. The user can specify Woodward II calculations for arbitrary body models or Woodward I calculations for an interference shell that approximates actual body shape. The Carlson correction for supersonic linear theory wing calculations is applied at wing control points. If desired, COREL will produce conical panel pressure data for further processing by W12SC3. W12SC3 can perform the following aerodynamic functions: 1) full analysis, 2) full design, 3) full optimization, 4) mixed design-analysis, and 5) mixed design-optimization. Results from W12SC3 include wing camber distribution, surface velocities, pressure coefficients and drag.

This program was released by NASA through COSMIC as LAR-13239. The italicized text above is from the official NASA release.

Public Domain Aeronautical Software (PDAS)