Example 5 - Oblique Flying Wing Airplane - page 2

The output from meanaerochord is shown below, and the MAC is drawn on the planform.

MEAN AERODYNAMIC CHORD DEFINED BY ofw.nml # y xle c xte 1 -615.00000 1860.00000 70.00000 1930.00000 2 -576.00000 1713.00000 244.00000 1957.00000 3 -500.00000 1426.00000 522.00000 1948.00000 4 -412.00000 1145.00000 709.00000 1854.00000 5 -316.00000 869.00000 854.00000 1723.00000 6 -218.00000 594.00000 999.00000 1593.00000 7 29.00000 -72.00000 1308.00000 1236.00000 8 182.00000 -450.00000 1444.00000 994.00000 9 347.00000 -812.00000 1443.00000 631.00000 10 517.00000 -1167.00000 1376.00000 209.00000 11 688.00000 -1476.00000 1262.00000 -214.00000 12 745.00000 -1578.00000 1223.00000 -355.00000 13 802.00000 -1681.00000 1185.00000 -496.00000 14 918.00000 -1819.00000 764.00000 -1055.00000 15 980.00000 -1798.00000 264.00000 -1534.00000 area of wing= 1738360.5000 length of MAC= 1201.9378 y of MAC= 250.0443 xle of MAC= -505.2880 xte of MAC= 696.6498 x of c/4 of MAC= -204.8035

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